2nd Annual LifeLink Int’l Golf Tournament to be Held May 2nd at Chateau Elan

Brian Rossi (standing above) leading planning group discussion for the golf tournament.

LifeLink Pres. Mike Turner (above) showing photos of pre-school children and teachers attending class at the LifeLink Ministry Base in Nicaragua to those attending the tournament planning meeting.
Plans are now underway for the 2nd Annual LifeLink Int’l Charity Golf Tournament to be held on Saturday, May 2nd at Chateau Elan . The golf tournament will be held at the beautiful Chateau Elan Golf Club in Braselton, just north of Atlanta, GA.
Last year’s tournament organizers Brian and Jennifer Rossi and Sunbelt Office Products in Atlanta are once again spearheading the golf tournament. Over 100 golfers participated in last years tournament with great prizes and a fabulous silent auction, all for charity – it was a huge success.
You can check out a press release and photos from last year’s golf tournament at sunbeltofficeproducts.com. All proceeds will go to benefit the LifeLink Ministry Base in Nicaragua.

Mark your calendars now for May 2nd … more details will be coming shortly so stay tuned.


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