The Tingle Family – On Their Way to Nicaragua

Wayne and Megan Tingle and their two daughters, Alison 6, and Emily 3, are preparing to move to Nicaragua as missionaries with LifeLink International. The Tingles attended missionary training for 10-weeks in Mexico as part of their preparation for becoming missionaries.

Wayne’s background as a business owner in the building and construction and landscape industries will be a great benefit working at the LifeLink Ministry Base. Wayne also is a musician and worship leader at their home church in Orlando, FL. Megan’s degrees in communication and English as well as her experience in editing, creative writing and teaching will be a huge addition to the education aspect of the ministry in Nicaragua.

The ministry of LifeLink International is excited to welcome the Tingles.


  1. Mikey says

    Good for you Wayne & Megan, along with your girls. Go to where there is a need, and love like you have never loved. Allow Christ to impact people through you in a way that just abounds in your every step. Thank you for your willingness, and heart's.

  2. Paul and Mary says

    Godspeed Megan and Wayne…I knew there was some special reason God put the two of you together

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