About LifeLink International : Our Vision & Purpose

We Are LifeLink International ...

Our Vision is Simple: LifeLink International exists to impact lives and build futures by showing the love of Jesus Christ through acts of compassion.

Our Mission is Plain: Motivated by our faith in Jesus Christ, we provide ongoing help and guidance to the poorest and neediest people of Nicaragua in four ways:

We Are LifeLink International, offering hope and opportunity ... the gift of a lifetime.



Meet our Founders

Mike & Deborah Turner started LifeLink International in 2002. Realizing the great need in Nicaragua, Mike and Deborah quickly guided the ministry in the areas of Bible clubs, children’s feeding programs, leadership conferences, medical clinics and establishing a church in Las Cruces, Nicaragua.

In 2009 The LifeLink School began in Ciudad Sandino with just over 100 students. Today The LifeLink School has over 460 students enrolled. With a national staff of 30, the LifeLink team feeds each child a healthy nutritious meal daily along with a snack and multivitamin.

The Turners are known for their passion of providing help, hope and opportunity to those in need. Mike can often be heard saying, “The gift of opportunity becomes the gift of a lifetime.”

Mike and Deborah began ministry in the inner city streets of Jacksonville, FL, they later pioneered a Bible School in St. Louis, MO and served as senior pastors of two churches.

The Turners lived and worked in Guatemala for seven years as missionaries. While in Guatemala they developed an on-the-field missionary training program, built a ministry base, and established community development, health and education ministry projects.

Transitioning from Guatemala to Nicaragua, Mike served three years as mission pastor and ministry training director at a large multi- cultural church in Atlanta, GA with a representation of over 100 nations worldwide.

Today LifeLink International is considered a true leader in the community and is highly regarded in the areas in which they work.
The Turners are both graduates of Christ to the World Bible College. Mike further holds credentials as M.Min.in Counseling and D.Min.in Missiology from Covington Theological Seminary.

Mike and Deborah celebrate more than 45 years of marriage; have two adult children and four amazing grandchildren.



Copyright Lifelink International, Inc. is a 501(c)3 not for profit missions organization