“The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades.”
-Song lyrics from the 80s.
Pass out the sunglasses ‘cause it’s a new year, a new beginning, a time of fresh, bright new thresholds of growth and change! Exciting new experiences are waiting along the way with unexpected challenges; and most certainly, a time of experiencing God’s love and grace like never before.
Meeting with our LifeLink Board of Directors recently to pray, plan and dream, we became well aware of just how large our borders have expanded. We also became aware that only by faith and the amazing grace of God can we fulfill His plan for the future as we make plans to launch into bold new territory.
So a resounding, yes! 2014 and the future look bright for our ministry at LifeLink International in Nicaragua, Mexico and around the world. But, that only serves to remind us that we must constantly put on our “love glasses.” We must set our faces like flint to the SON of God! Only then can we genuinely reflect the brightness of His compassion, love and mercy to the ends of the earth and fulfill the Great Commission, “…Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” – Mark 16:15
A look at 2014:
- February begins a new school year with over 300 students in pre-k through 4th grade.
- Our national team grew to 25.
- Our missionary team grew to six people.
- Three new missionaries are scheduled to move to Nicaragua this summer.
- 16 short-term mission trips are on the 2014 calendar.
- A Ladies Conference is planned for March with an estimated 600 Nicaraguan women to be in attendance.
- Preparing two staff training advances.
- New LifeLink missionary couple scheduled to arrive in June.
- Short-term mission trips planned.
- Local pastoral/ministry conference on the schedule.
- Hosting a Missionary Training Program for 6 weeks.