Top ten things to know about LifeLink International Mission Trips

Ever wondered what happens on a LifeLink International mission trip? Here’s ten facts to help you get clued in.

  1. It’s turn-key.
We help you plan, organize and arrange your trip from the day you decide come down. We will be at the airport to pick you up and you will be with us all week. Our last day is us driving you to the airport and saying goodbye. 
     2.  The hotel accommodations are “typical”.
“Typical” is a word used to describe anything that is like the country you’re visiting. For instance, rice and beans is “typical” Mexican food. The hotel you stay at is near the ministry base and is described as typical, with the exception of hot water and air conditioning in every room.
    3.  There are a ton of ministry opportunities.

And by ministry opportunities we mean jobs to do. Our main ministry is a large educational facility located in the neediest urban area of the country. We have a functioning kitchen, classrooms, English program, physical education, and a long list of things we need people to help with. Aside from the school, we also are constructing buildings. We always need more hands to lighten the workload. No one can use the excuse “I don’t have anything to offer” as a reason to not come on a mission trip.
   4.  You will be introduced to a new culture.
The standard trip includes two visits to a typical church in our area, time spent with children who live in our area, and walking the street around the ministry base meeting families. You will experience a completely different lifestyle than you are familiar/comfortable with. 
   5. You don’t need to know Spanish.
This seem to be on of the biggest questions we come across. Every person on our missions staff is bilingual and capable of helping you to communicate. If you are speaking at a church we will provide a translator. The majority of people who come on a mission trip do not speak Spanish. 
  6. There is a built in spiritual element.
Every morning starts with a devotional and a prayer by a team member. Many people have left a LifeLink International mission trip more spiritually mature than when they arrived. We believe a mission trip can have a “greenhouse effect” on your faith, creating rapid and solid growth in a small period of time.
  7. You will build community inside your church.

The bonds you will make on a mission trip will be long lasting. The support you receive from your church body will create a sense of community togetherness that will strengthen relationships. When you return, everyone will celebrate what God has been doing.
  8.  The food is amazing. 
Part of experiencing a new culture is trying the local cuisine. Gallo Pinto, Frijoles Molidas, and Pico Tostado are some examples of the new experiences waiting. LifeLink International takes every precaution in preparing meals to ensure everyone stays healthy for the duration of the trip. Clean bottled water is provided in every location. 
  9.  It’s safe.

Nicaragua is the second safest country on our half of the world (second to Canada). Violent crimes are rare, and the people are friendly and inviting. We travel together as one group, stay in a secure hotel, and the ministry base is gated for security. 
10.  We want you to come down.

We want you to come down and see the amazing thing God is doing. We want to see you on the construction crew or in the kitchen helping serve plates of food. It’s our joy to host people who want to serve God in the foreign mission field. Building relationships and exposing people to world missions is our calling. We want to know you, and we want you to know us.
Did we forget something? Got a question? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

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